When shopping around for a business loan, you likely look first at the interest rate a bank or lender would give you. The interest rate is a percentage charged on the loan’s capital. Essentially, it is what you pay for the privilege of using the bank’s money. But the interest rate is not your only cost when taking out a loan. The fees that you pay on a loan will impact everything from your up-front loan costs to your monthly payment.
Below is a list of the requirements to get approved for business funding with our most basic program. There may be additional factors that are considered, meeting these three requirements though gives you a very high chance of having your application approved.
Applying has never been easier. You can either call our toll free number 24 hours 7 days a week at
(888) 882-6117
Submit your online application by clicking apply below and entering a few basic details about your business.
Banks, traditional lenders and alternative lenders will all charge fees on a business loan. Sometimes these fees are to recoup their costs in processing a loan application and underwriting. Whatever the reason for charging them, a smart borrower should pay close attention to these fees.
The interest rate typically disclosed is a simple rate. The Annual Percentage Rate, or “APR,” is a more accurate reflection of the true cost of capital. That is because it includes the interest rate plus all related fees in its calculations. Often, there can be a large difference between the simple interest rate that you are quoted and the APR, which should tell you that there are significant hidden fees involved with your lender.
If you do not want to take the time to research every fee that a lender will charge you, ask them to provide you with the loan’s APR. It can be a quick and dirty way to compare the costs between two different lenders.
Fees are rarely negotiable, and can add up quickly. When comparing lenders, ask for a comprehensive list of fees that you will be charged and educate yourself about your loan’s total cost. It will help you pick the best product, and lender, for your business.